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LIFT for Betrayal Trauma

Betrayal trauma can have a serious impact on your relationships—it can damage your trust, cause communication challenges, and make emotions harder to regulate. But help is available. The LIFT Program provides group therapy support led by expert betrayal trauma therapists to help you take back your life.


Moving Upwards After Betrayal Trauma

Recovering from betrayal trauma means learning to trust again—in yourself and others. The LIFT Program’s online modules provide opportunities for solo learning, along with weekly group therapy sessions led by expert betrayal trauma therapists, where you’ll have opportunities to share what you’ve learned and process it with others who have been through the same struggle.

Program Details

When you join the LIFT Program for help with betrayal trauma, you’ll begin by spending 8 weeks in a discovery process with other participants. During these 8 weeks, you’ll develop empathy for others and a deeper understanding of your own challenges.

The second portion of the LIFT Program involves six stages spread out over 52 weeks. During this part of the program, you’ll be grouped with others who are recovering from betrayal trauma, meeting each week to learn from expert betrayal trauma therapists and digest what you’ve learned together.

The six stages of LIFT for betrayal trauma focus on:

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1. Education, Hope, & Direction

“I know the principles of recovery”
“I know how to start building trust”
“I know what I am hoping for”

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2. Safety, Honesty, & Intention

“I have a safety plan”
“I take daily actions that align with my intentions”
“I practice rigorous honesty”

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3. Boundaries

“I am developing healthy attachments”
“I am developing shame resilience”
“I know that healthy boundaries lead to better connections”

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4. Acceptance, Forgiveness, & Resilience

“I can identify my strengths”
“I can step into my fears”
“I have practiced real forgiveness”

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5. Freedom, Fun, & Acceptance

“I have written and shared a freedom manifesto”
“I have hobbies I love that I can practice”
“I know what I can do and what I can’t”

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6. Recovery & Long-Term Well-Being

“I understand what I have been through and why”
“I acknowledge the changes I have made”
“I can support others who are struggling”

The LIFT Program goes beyond group therapy to create a thriving community focused on long-term recovery. Our philosophy at Therapy Utah is that true change comes from building connections that provide ongoing support and empower individuals to become the best versions of themselves.

Enroll Now

Statement from Kathy Kinghorn

That moment when you realize that what you thought was real, isn’t real is one of the most frightening moments in your life. It starts a thought process that can leave you feeling numb or angry, out-of-control or in a space of trying to control everything, terrified to make a decision or making too many decisions all at once.

However that moment shows up in your life, our team meets you right there and stays with you on the journey.  We know that group support is critical, expert guidance is key and, most importantly, we know that the journey is doable no matter where you begin it.  So, begin today.  Take this first step into a place where you learn about true safety, healthy boundaries and healing.

Kathy Kinghorn

LIFT Testimonials

"It made me think of the hard things that I needed to change in my own life."

"Being from out of state it has been very hard to get good group work in my local area. Having LIFT virtual was awesome. Such a better experience than I had with [another program], even in person."

“I liked that LIFT was more than just psychoeducation and that we were able to get to know other group members a little bit."

"Such honesty. No sugar coating it, trauma is trauma."

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