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What is Internal Systems Family Therapy (& How to Know If It’s Right for You)

Kathy Kinghorn

June 12, 2023

Summary of Key Points:

  • Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy is an innovative approach emphasizing self-awareness, self-compassion, and a greater sense of wholeness and integration, helping individuals with various psychological issues.
  • IFS therapy works by identifying, understanding, and engaging with different parts of an individual’s psyche, cultivating curiosity and compassion towards these parts, and working towards healing and integration.
  • IFS therapy can be used to treat trauma by helping individuals work through and renegotiate the roles of protective parts related to their trauma, promoting a greater sense of safety and self-regulation.
  • The therapy can be used in conjunction with medication and has shown effectiveness in improving symptoms of anxiety, depression, and PTSD.
  • To find a qualified IFS therapist, consider reaching out to Therapy Utah, where we can match you with an experienced therapist skilled in IFS therapy.

Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy is an innovative approach to therapy that emphasizes self-awareness, self-compassion, and a greater sense of wholeness and integration. But before you can make an informed decision about whether this methodology is an option you should explore, you’ll need to know more about what it involves, how it works, and whether you can benefit from it. In this article, we’ll answer the 10 most common questions people have about IFS Therapy.

Therapy Utah’s individual therapy services use IFS and numerous other methodologies to promote lasting healing from the inside out. Read on to see what our experienced professionals have to say about this approach.

1. What Is Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy?

IFS Therapy focuses on exploring, naming, and understanding the different parts of an individual’s psyche, with an emphasis on how they relate to each other. It was developed by Dr. Richard Schwartz in the 1980s and has since gained popularity as an effective treatment for a wide range of psychological issues, including:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Trauma
  • Relationship problems

IFS is a non-pathologizing approach, meaning that it does not view individuals as being “sick” or “broken”. Instead, this method embraces a view of each individual having a natural and healthy range of internal experiences that deserve to be explored and understood.

Patient embracing loved one after experiencing personal growth via IFS.

Via Upwork.

2. How Does IFS Therapy Work?

In IFS Therapy, individuals work with a therapist to identify and get to know their different parts, and to understand how they relate to each other. The therapist helps the individual to cultivate a sense of curiosity, compassion, and empathy towards their parts, rather than judgment or avoidance.

Through this process, individuals learn to engage with their parts in a more productive and harmonious way. They learn to recognize when a part is activated, and to stay present with it without becoming overwhelmed or reactive. This allows individuals to access their own inner resources and wisdom, and to work towards healing and integration. 

IFS Therapy may involve a combination of talk therapy, visualization exercises, and other techniques. The therapy is conducted over a period of several sessions, during which the therapist and individual work together to explore and understand the individual’s internal system of parts.

3. What Can I Expect in An IFS Therapy Session?

During an IFS Therapy session, you’ll focus on your internal experiences, and your therapist will guide you through a series of exercises designed to help you explore and understand the different parts of your psyche. The core elements of IFS include:

  • A safe and supportive environment: IFS Therapy sessions are typically conducted in a private and confidential setting, where the therapist will work to help you explore your thoughts and feelings.
  • A focus on your internal experiences: IFS Therapy is focused on exploring your internal experiences, including the different parts of your personality or psyche, and how they relate to each other.
  • An emphasis on curiosity and compassion: IFS Therapy emphasizes curiosity and compassion towards your parts, rather than judgment or avoidance. The therapist will help you cultivate a sense of curiosity and empathy towards your parts, and will support you in developing a non-judgmental attitude towards yourself.
  • Visualization exercises: IFS Therapy often involves visualization exercises, where you will be guided to visualize and engage with your different parts. These exercises can promote a deeper understanding of your parts by making them feel more familiar and consistent.
  • Talk therapy: IFS Therapy may also involve traditional talk therapy, where you and the therapist will discuss your thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a supportive and non-judgmental way.
  • A focus on healing and integration: The goal of IFS Therapy is to help you develop a greater sense of wholeness and integration, by working towards healing and integrating your different parts.

4. Who Can Benefit from IFS Therapy?

IFS Therapy can be beneficial for a wide range of people, including those who are struggling with emotional or psychological issues, as well as those who are interested in personal growth and self-discovery.

Specific populations that may benefit from IFS Therapy include individuals with anxiety, depression, trauma, relationship issues, and those interested in personal growth. In general, IFS Therapy can be helpful for anyone who is interested in developing a deeper understanding of themselves and their internal experiences, and in working towards greater healing and integration.

5. How Is IFS Therapy Different from Other Types of Therapy?

IFS Therapy is relatively unique, due to its emphasis on self-acceptance and compassion towards all parts of an individual’s psyche. While some forms of therapy treat personal challenges as symptoms that need to be “cured”, IFS aims to promote a deeper understanding of the motivations and root causes behind these issues and seek solutions via meaningful personal growth.

man on couch, hand over face, brown couch, dark walls, dark clothes, dark hair

Via Upwork.

6. How Can IFS Therapy be Used to Treat Trauma?

IFS Therapy is often recommended as an effective treatment for trauma-related symptoms. It can help individuals work through the different parts of their psyche that may be related to their trauma, and develop a greater sense of safety and self-regulation.

Many people undergoing IFS find that certain protective parts of themselves have taken on extreme roles to shield them from traumatic memories or experiences. By encouraging them to understand and renegotiate these roles, IFS allows these protective parts to take on healthier, more adaptive functions.

7. Can IFS be Used with Medication?

Yes, IFS Therapy can be used in conjunction with medication. It’s important to note, however, that while medication can be helpful in managing symptoms of mental health conditions, it does not address the underlying psychological factors that may be contributing to those symptoms.

IFS Therapy can complement medication by helping individuals develop a greater sense of self-awareness and self-compassion, and by helping them work through the psychological factors that may be contributing to their symptoms.

8. How Long Does IFS Therapy Typically Last?

The length of IFS Therapy can vary depending on each individual’s needs and goals, as well as the severity and complexity of the issues being addressed. Some individuals may benefit from a short course of therapy consisting of just a few sessions, while others may continue with therapy for several months or even years.

family of 3 playing on bach, white shirt, dark sleeves, striped shirt, glasses, sand, ocean waves

Via Unsplash.

9. Is IFS Therapy Effective?

Several studies have shown that IFS Therapy can lead to significant improvements in symptoms of anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Many individuals who have undergone IFS Therapy report positive outcomes and improvements in their mental health and well-being.

It is worth noting, however, that the effectiveness of IFS Therapy may depend on factors such as the individual’s specific needs and goals, the severity and complexity of the issues being addressed, and the skill and experience of the therapist. As with any form of therapy, it is important to work with a qualified and experienced therapist, and to approach therapy with a willingness to engage in the process and work towards change.

10. How Do I Find an IFS Therapist?

Therapy Utah can match you with a therapist qualified to guide you through IFS therapy. Through our years of experience, we’ve helped countless people through their trauma, grief, and depression to live happier and more fulfilled lives. Reach out to us today to schedule your appointment and turn the page on grief and anxiety.

family of four hugging, blue jeans, striped sweater, sand, beach, ocean, dead seaweed

Via Upwork.

IFS Therapy is a unique and effective approach to therapy that emphasizes self-awareness, self-compassion, and a greater sense of wholeness and integration. If you’re considering IFS Therapy as a treatment option, contact Therapy Utah to work with one of our qualified and experienced therapists so that you can take the next step towards changing your life.

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